

Environments for Hydrogen API

To streamline development and testing with the Hydrogen API, we use the same API endpoints for both sandbox and production environments. The primary distinction between these environments is the API keys used. Below is an overview of the different environments and their purposes.

Environments Overview

Base URL: https://api.hydrogenpay.com/

EnvironmentPurposeBase URL
SandboxThis environment is intended for testing and development. It allows you to integrate and test your application without affecting live data. Use the Test API keys for this environment.https://api.hydrogenpay.com/
ProductionThis environment is used for live applications. Here, you will use live API keys and interact with real data. Ensure that all transactions and integrations are thoroughly tested in the Sandbox environment before moving to Production.https://api.hydrogenpay.com/

API Key Usage

  • Public Key: For front-end integrations like Inline JS or Mobile SDKs. This key is safe to use in client-side applications and is required for both Sandbox and Production environments.
  • Secret Key: This key is for back-end use only. It must be used exclusively in server-side code to securely authenticate API requests. It should never be exposed in client-side code and must be kept confidential.

Note: Always use your Test keys for Sandbox and Live keys for Production to ensure proper data handling and security.