
This documentation includes the steps for integrating a payment gateway using the Inline JavaScript (JS) method. The provided code sample includes an HTML document with an embedded script to trigger a checkout modal. This method allows customers to complete the payment process in a popup modal, ensuring a seamless experience without redirecting to another page.

Hydrogen Popup Checkout

Hydrogen Popup Checkout

Script: https://js.hydrogenpay.com/inline.js

Request Parameters

amountThe amount to be charged for the transaction.Yes
emailThe customer's email address.Yes
currencyThe currency in which the transaction is to be processed (e.g., "NGN").Yes
descriptionA brief description of the transaction.Yes
metaAdditional metadata or information related to the transaction.Yes

Integration Steps

1. Include the Required Scripts

Include the necessary script in the section of your HTML document.

<script src="https://js.hydrogenpay.com/inline.js" module></script>

2. Create a Checkout Button

Add a button to your HTML page that will trigger the checkout modal when clicked. This button will call the openDialogModal() function.

<button id="myBtn" onclick="openDialogModal()">Checkout</button>

3. Include Payment Information

Set up a JavaScript object (obj) with the necessary parameters for the payment transaction. This object will be used to initiate the payment link through an API.

let obj = {
  amount: 10,
  email: "test@randomuser.com",
  customerName: "Test User",
  currency: "NGN",
  description: "test desc",
  meta: "test meta",
  callback: "https://hydrogenpay.com",
  isAPI: true,

4. Authorization Token

Copy an authorization token (token) from the Hydrogenpay dashboard based on your testing or production requirements.

// For Sandbox
let token = "E2E411B102072296C73F76339497FB8529FF552F0D6817E0F3B46A243961CA21";

5. Payment Gateway Function

Implement the openDialogModal function, which calls the handlePgData function from the external script with the defined payment information and token.

async function openDialogModal() {
  let res = handlePgData(obj, token);
  console.log("return transaction ref", await res);

Following these steps will allow you to integrate the provided code sample into your web application, enabling a seamless payment gateway experience with an inline JavaScript popup.