
This endpoint streamlines subsequent purchases by leveraging card tokenization, which stores a secure representation of the user's card details. Upon successful completion, the endpoint returns transaction details, including the approval status, transaction reference, payment amount, and more.

The recurringCardToken value provided in the "Payment Confirmation" response should be used as the cardToken for future transactions, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free payment experience for users.

Request Method: POST


Test URL: https://qa-api.hydrogenpay.com/bepayment/api/v1/Payment/Subsequentpurchase

Live URL: https://api.hydrogenpay.com/bepay/api/v1/Payment/Subsequentpurchase

Request parameters

YesStringtransactionRefReference identifier for the transaction.
YesStringcardTokenUnique token representing the card details.
YesStringcurrencyCurrency code for the transaction.
YesStringamountAmount of the transaction.

Sample Request

  "transactionRef": "abbadabbadu1",
  "cardToken": "282aff7d-4b74-4dc0-bc79-04398d805058",
  "currency": "NGN",
  "amount": 1

Sample Response

    "statusCode": "90000",
    "message": null,
    "data": {
        "responseCode": "0000",
        "responseDescription": "Approved by Financial Institution",
        "transactionReference": "abbadabbadu1",
        "channelTransactionReference": null,
        "amount": 1,
        "remittanceAmount": 1,
        "customerName": "Test Account",
        "bank": null,
        "status": "Paid",
        "submitTimeUtc": null,
        "reconciliationId": null,
        "clientReferenceInformation": null,
        "accountName": null,
        "accountNo": null,
        "maskedPan": "539923******5212",
        "cardExpiry": "1RBM9ofCXiwzEDnJhUDDsW3iHCCTBxICaArGQl+cb4UmFpZj1DuHIMS65M77wjfmhfRm3svkMexyPScfU3DriA==",
        "errors": null,
        "transactionId": "783f0000-2091-e6ce-ec79-08dc20c93135",
        "completedTimeUtc": "Jan 29th 2024 | 12:52pm",
        "canRetry": true,
        "callBackUrl": "",
        "processorResponse": null,
        "processorTransactionId": null,
        "recurringCardToken": "282aff7d-4b74-4dc0-bc79-04398d805058"


Note that the amount can only be greater than the Initial payment amount if the frequency is set to 5 on recurring.